The output is a true reflection of the health of men. The occurrence of reports of problems with it, really hits the sexual opportunities for men, and it can be done in the presence of disease in the body. In order to understand how to rapidly increase the power in the house, it is first necessary to determine the cause of the sexual disorder.

What is the power
Power — the ability of a man to the accomplishment of the sexual act. Low-power, or its total absence is a major obstacle to engaging in sexual intercourse. In the event of the occurrence of the reported problems achieving an erection it is necessary to take precautions. To improve the power output, it may be necessary to adjust your lifestyle, you begin to take special supplements or medications.
That depends on the power
There are a number of factors that will affect your chances. Among them, the following stand out:
- the level of hormones;
- the style of life.
- the psychological condition.
Of the financial year and of the total daily activity, and it is beneficial to the health of men. Men who lead a sedentary life, a low libido, and erection is very weak. Also, the sex of a resource affects the level of testosterone in the blood, and the mind. The constant stress leads to a decrease in the output power.
The causes of sexual disorder
One of the reasons for the occurrence of reports of a sexual disorder include:
- the inflammation of the prostate gland;
- decreased levels of testosterone;
- the stress in your life and / or experiences prior to having sexual intercourse
- diabetes mellitus;
- impairment of the circulation of the blood in the penis and pelvis area;
- with the chronic fatigue.

Weakness of sexual features, can be associated with psychological or physiological problems. After the removal of the cause, the power will be restored.
How can you improve on it in the house
To improve the strength of the male in the house, you can take advantage of the tablet, unlike the technical or physical exercise. An integrated approach can help you achieve more clear results.
The use of the pills
Specialized medications that affect the erection is the best solution, if the problem is related to the psychological discomfort. As a general rule, medications are given before the sexual intercourse to to to enforce the the ability.
The traditional Folk methods of
Through some of the most popular forms of treatment, it is possible to supply the body and the other on my own to resolve, slow inflammation, and stress, and improve your overall health.
Infusions and decoctions to increase the power of the
The various infusions and decoctions, form of choice for application of many of the natural resources. The use of the stock towards the inside allows you to get the desired effect in a very short space of time.
The color of the leaves of the stinging nettle
To prepare the infusion you will need 200 grams of fresh nettles, pour 500 ml of vodka. The liquid oxygen is necessary to insist on a few days in a bank, then strain it, and drink of a 1% change to harvest on an empty stomach for 3 to 6 weeks.

Beans in the Greek
This is a plant that has a mass-transport properties to be useful. The tool is based on hay-from the Greek, to stimulate the it can increase the immunity and help fight diseases of the male. To prepare the broth, they are generally used for the seeds. 2. h. tablespoons of shabby from the seed it requires to boil 250 ml of boiling water. The decoction used 2 times a day for 120 ml.
Sodium hydroxide — is a popular tool that is often used in folk medicine. To increase the performance of sodium can be used topically, if there is any inflammatory disease of the genital organs. The reception inside does not have any effect on your libido and erections.
Aspen bark
In aspen, the cortex contains a lot of nutrients. You can apply for the preparation of soups and stews, oral, or local use. The reception inside, it helps to fight against the diseases of the urinary system. The application of the local to help address balanoposthitis.
Stinging nettle
Stinging nettle is a plant that has no effect on the location of the action. This means that the improvement in the blood supply. Stinging nettle can be used topically on the pelvic region, and may also be used for the inside. Dried nettle can be used in order to prepare for the next broth: 2 tablespoons of stinging nettle, dry poured to 500 ml of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Ready-liquid oxygen to a drink in a dose of 100 ml 2 times a day.
Plant is an herbaceous perennial, which has a number of beneficial effects. The root of calamus, if applicable, for the preparation of soups and stews. 20 g of the finely chopped onion to the root, filled with 200 ml of boiling water. Received the liquid oxygen that is consumed 3 times per day to 65 ml. the Tool is an anti-oxidant effect.
The form of the ivan-tea helps to give the man a important trace elements, and vitamins. This is likely to be beneficial to the entire body and sexual function. Ivan-tea, it can improve your mental state, and it also helps to boost the it can increase the immunity and hemoglobin.
A drink from ginger root
To make this drink up, 8 grams of ginger root, 2 sliced lemons, 2 h. tablespoons of honey or 500 ml) of boiling water. The ginger is to clean the skin, it is added to the other components in the appliances in the kitchen and it's full of boiling water. After that, there is a need for a fluid infusion set, and add 2 tablespoons of honey.
St. john's wort
The herb st. john's wort has a number of pharmacological effects. An infusion of the herb st. john's has the following, transport and the properties of interest: it has the effect of antispasmodic, shows anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effect, it has the action of sedative on the central nervous system. For the handling of medication in the base of the st. john's wort can you use just the apthing on the grass.
Herbaceous plant, which have immunostimulatory, anti-inflammatory and regenerating action. Also, this is grass, a positive effect on the power output. To prepare the infusion you need to 20 grams of flowers of lungwort pour 200 ml of boiling water. The decoction is used every day for 2 weeks.
All parts of the plant have a bactericidal effect, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory action. The herb thyme contains a high amount of vitamins. In the case of diseases of the genital system, through the use of this herb, you can quickly achieve a cure.
Curing of a mixture of
Curing of the mixture are included in the diet. They have a certain drug's impact, and the taste is pleasant.
Nuts and honey
It is a popular dish, it is recommended to eat in order to increase the power output. To do this, you will need to have a 50 g chopped walnuts, 50 g hazelnuts, 50 g of pine nuts, grind them and mix them with 100 grams of honey. Obtained from the mixture that is recommended is 1 to 2 times a day 1 spoonful of the soup.
Products in order to improve the power

There are a lot of products, and positively affect the level of libido and erection. These include sea food, walnuts, honey, and foods that have large quantities, that contains zinc.
The gifts of the seas and the oceans
It is recommended to include in your diet:
- cancer;
- shrimp;
- enjoy;
- red caviar;
- oysters, sec.
- Spanish mackerel.
To save the maximum number of nutrients, it is recommended to cook seafood in the steamer.
The miracle pumpkin
In a pumpkin of the products are quite different from vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. To increase the strength of the male is recommended to include in the diet of the wedge and its own the seeds from the pumpkin.
White wine
In the skin of grapes of a large amount of anti-oxidants. The use of wine in small quantities, helps to reduce the negative effects of free radicals and to enhance the fund's emotional, and it will expand the blood vessels. In addition, through the use of a white wine that is made in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
LOD-therapy is
It is a non-invasive method for the treatment of different male sexual illnesses. The method consists in the application of a vacuum in the cylinder on the shaft of your penis. The cylinder fits over the body, it creates the inside of the lower the blood pressure, which makes it possible to increase the flow of blood. This method is often used for treatment of erectile dysfunction in men and is associated with injury to the vessels or the age of change.
The treatment
When there is stress, or a fear of closeness due to the probability of failure, it is necessary to carry out psychotherapy. With a little experience, they are assigned to a sedative. Also, in order to overcome the syndrome of the failure are attributed to the stimulating an erection. Once you get over the fear of them is broken.
Therapy for the year
Therapeutic exercise can help to improve the circulation of blood in the pelvic region and to get rid of the stagnation of the process. It is necessary to carry out the exercises that involve the muscles of the legs and pelvis, but also the total load on the body.
The exercise is The Kegel
So focused on the work, the aim is to improve the power output, it is recommended to carry out the exercise is The Kegel. During the course, you will need to train the so-called pc-coccygeal muscle.
Table. The execution of the exercises.
The name of the product | In the beginning |
Close to the muscles of the pelvic floor muscles | The voltage of each and every one of these muscles, you will need to perform an action, which is often used to hold the urine. You need to imagine that there is a strong urge to urinate, and to compress your muscles, which you can't do it. The voltage is held for 5 seconds, and then you need to relax and unwind. The stock is in a 10-to 20-fold. |
Close to the muscles of the anus. | It is necessary to hold a muscle contraction for 10-20 times to the preservation of a voltage of between 5 and 7 seconds. |
The elevation of the pelvis lie on your back with the bent in your lap, feet | It can also help you to get rid of the stagnation of the process. The number of repetitions, — 10 and 12. |
The exercise is The Kegel will contribute to improve the status of the health of the men, and to bring to tone the muscles of the pelvis.
Vacuum, impact
The massage and vacuum to improve the power output by increasing the supply of blood. The procedure is carried out in the salon on Friday for a beauty of a home. Prior to the vacuum massage, it is recommended to go for a survey about possible contra-indications.
Physiotherapy is the method that is used many times in different diseases states. The procedure is carried out with the use of a HIGH-point. The mechanical impulse to restore the mac to the tissue and to form new small vessels, which will lead to a better filling of the penis with blood during an erection.
The treatment is by following the age-old tradition in China
Oriental medicine provides a number of methods of recovery of potency. A great deal of attention, not only of a particular problem, but it is your health in general. The modern procedures of physical therapy, and medication enable you to achieve your goal, however, we don't have it in you to forget about the root cause of the problem. It is necessary for you to change your lifestyle, and regular practice of pre-emption.
Changing the life style
To improve the power, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
- avoid long periods of steady-state;
- perform exercises that involve the muscles of the legs and of the pelvis;
- to exclude from a life of cigarette smoking and reduce your alcohol consumption;
- eat foods that are rich in zinc.
If you are overweight, you will need to go on a diet. The lower the percentage of fat in the body, the higher the level of the testosterone. It is recommended that you start out practicing an active sport. If the activity is related to the constant found in a sitting position, you need every hour to get up and do an exercise.
The regular sex
The lesson of the fish and the king, thus avoiding the occurrence of reports of proceedings respectively. The recommended amount of sexual acts — no less than 1 time in 2 weeks. In the latter case, the sexual act can be overridden by the view.
If you get rid of bad habits
With the exception of a large amount of alcohol and tobacco to improve the quality of cardiovascular disease. This, in turn, impact positively on the power. Also, bad habits can be attributed to a sedentary lifestyle and lack of activity.
The wide range of contrast,
For strengthening blood vessels, increasing you can boost the immunity and improves the overall health, you can take a bath in the background. The alternative effects on the body, for hot and cold water allows you to take on the tone of the vascular system. The contrast of the washes carried out on a daily basis. Before you begin to use this procedure, it is necessary to obtain the permission of a doctor. Among the effects include thrombophlebitis, disease, and other vascular disorders, cystitis, and the presence of benign lesions from malignancies.
Regular walks include a steam bath, can help to speed up your metabolism, reduce the stress and tension in the muscles and also eliminates toxins from the body. The steam has a positive effect on the power output, but only within reasonable limits. No need to expose your body is exposed to very high temperatures or for a long period of time in the sauna. To achieve a positive result, enough to go to steam, 1 time per week.

How to enhance the power of 60 years ago
To improve the potency in the elderly, the following methods are used:
- hormone replacement therapy;
- specialized drugs to to improve the the flow of blood.
- the fit life-style.
With the aging of the male body diminishes testosterone production and, hence, the most effective way is considered to be the use of a hormonal medication. Using replacement therapy to be able to enhance your libido and erections.
Vitamins to enhance your power
For enhancing sexual opportunities, it is recommended that both simple and complex, of vitamins. Separately, they can also be used supplements containing zinc, and herbs in various ratios. Take the vitamins you need, in strict accordance with the manual for the instructions. Overdosing will not lead to an increase in the effect, and it will be the cause of the hypervitaminosis.
Opinion of sexologists and andrologists
The experts recommend to deal with erectile dysfunction (ed) individual. There are a lot of causes that deal with the power. Some of them require serious medical treatment. Don't self-medicate by eating to Viagra, or other means.
First of all, you should go for a comprehensive survey. Even a serious drop in the level of testosterone, or chronic prostatitis can be taken up by modern medicine.
Power is an extremely important part in the life of every person. To have sexual intercourse opportunities as much as possible, you need to lead a healthy life, and avoid the negatives, that are capable of causing diseases of the urinary system.